Bow down …

I don’t know how long it took NaLanQing. She looked up and instantly Long Ze kissed her lips …
Kissing her lips turned white in an instant. What was the beautiful pleasure just now? Long Ze’s eyes narrowed as if she had found a new continent. "Come back later!"
"Nice try!" This temporary retreat is compensation.
Want to have another time?
No way!
My mouth is so sour now!
Long Ze hugged her tightly and rubbed it into her arms. She was very concerned about her.
Xiao Qinger has accepted herself now, right?
Will be so longitudinal yourself … Can you think so?
"Shall we go back and continue?"
"How far is it!" Na Lanqing rebuked her for being held in her arms. Although she was angry, she didn’t resist at all. She was quietly hugged by him.
The two men hugged each other tightly and sank in this dark world. Suddenly a deep man rang. "Did you find the reincarnation of Emperor Yan?"
Na Lanqing Long Ze sat up straight at the same time, put on his clothes and lay quietly in the boat.
Emperor Yan reincarnated?
Is there such a thing as reincarnation?
"My Lord Nalanqing’s life is exactly the same as that of Emperor Yan, and her personality changed greatly when she returned a year ago, which happened to be the reincarnation of Emperor Yan IX!"
"Na Lanqing is a man. Emperor Yan became a man this time?" The man’s voice was particularly puzzled as if he had heard something incredible.
"Yan Di reincarnation is designated as a woman?" At this time, another cold and cruel sound came up. Long Ze couldn’t help bowing when he heard the sound.
"What’s the matter?" NaLanQing felt his strange not to ask.
"A few days ago, I felt a strange traction after I turned my hair back. Finally, this man appeared in front of me and I fought … I won’t forget his voice even if it turns to dust!"
Losing so badly for the first time made him feel unspeakable humiliation.
"Nalanqing Kirin’s life has been confirmed that Emperor Yan’s life is exactly the same. For thousands of years, there has been a person who must be reincarnated by Emperor Yan to get rid of him!" The man was so cold that he ordered him to kill Nalan.
"It is found that all ethnic groups in Cangshan are in action. It seems that things of Emperor Yan IX have been revealed …"
"There is no Lloyd’s gens predicted that they are looking for the reincarnation of Emperor Yan? Let their brains look around for us to get rid of the reincarnation of Emperor Yan! "
"It’s white!"
Listening to the dialogue in the dark, Nalanqing Long Ze’s face sank
She is the reincarnation of Emperor Yan?
What the hell?
At most, she is the reincarnation of arms dealer Nalanqing and Yan Di without any money!
Bang, the ship seems to have hit somewhere. The dull sound makes the man talking in the dark immediately alert "Who?"
It was dark all around. The man looked around. "Bring the torch lanterns!"
The dark lake was illuminated by fire lights, and Nalanqing’s boat hit the man’s boat, while the boat was already in sight.
"Why is there a boat here?" The man in the shadow is puzzled.
"I accidentally drifted away from the boat!" A ghost-faced man looks particularly chilly against the torch. His cold eyes glanced at the hull and narrowed slightly …
"Just in case, look around!"
Nalanqing Long Ze swam far away from the shore at this time, but as far as their physical strength is concerned, it is okay to drift for an hour or two.
But it’s just not comfortable!
"Why should we escape?" NaLanQing kicking water in the water.
"Of course you have to run if you can’t win!"
"Even you can’t win. Isn’t that a monster?"
Na Lanqing paddled with both hands. "Forget it. It’s not bad to have a swimming date. Let’s see who gets back to shore faster!"
"Well, if I win, help me again!"
"Bah, if you lose, you will do nothing yourself!"
The two sides immediately competed in the lake, which was a headache.
The immature appearance of two people competing in the lake made Na Lanqing laugh. Had it not been for Long Ze, she had done such a thing?
Alas, there are some inconsistencies in the chapter because it has been deleted, and there is nothing we can do about it.

"Read elder sister? Why are you here? Are you okay? "Xiao Ying came here followed by three boys.

"I just saw the thief when you came back." Wen Nian earned a small hand and continued to kick the door.
"Hurry up and catch the thief" Wen Nian made a few two leng people next to a little don’t know how to react.
"Read elder sister you see the thief? Here? " Pointing to the locked door, "This is Zhang Yunyun’s dormitory."
"I saw a man go in. There was a sound in it just now. Your door caught the thief. It’s the first time I’ve seen someone steal something here for four or five years. Don’t let anyone run away."
"Can’t run" next to a little boy took a sentence and kicked the door. He didn’t respond for a while, but he didn’t come to stop the door from being kicked.
"Why? Why are you kicking my door? " Zhang Yunyun’s face flushed and wrapped in a big bath towel, reached out at the door and left a small crack.
"Are you here today? Didn’t you go home? " Xiao was surprised to look at Zhang Yunyun and go out for dinner. He called Zhang Yunyun and Zhang Yunyun said that she would go home and send a gift for Xiao to take and never show up again.
"There’s no one at home. Why haven’t I seen enough when I’m back? Sister Nian really caught the thief in my room. Why do you want to say that I stole something from you … "Zhang Yunyun’s shoulder wrapped in a bath towel is still covered with a towel.
Two outside three people know a little more or less, and Zhang Yunyun wryly stepped back.
WenNian adamant4 "I called you didn’t hear just now? Do I have to kick the door? " Wennian’s face is unfriendly. There is no misunderstanding. Make fun of it.
It’s a little difficult for Zhang Yunyun. It’s that he chased the girl to be warm. It’s that Sun Ge’s qualifications for caring for girls are bigger than himself. It’s that there are some rumors outside, and I know a little bit about Sun Ge’s attitude towards Zhang Yunyun and Wen Nian, which is one day at a time.
Now I don’t know what to do if they don’t give way to each other.
Little speechless, those three people can’t say it. I have long heard that Zhang Yunyun and Wen Nian can’t deal with it. Now it seems that it is really ah.
"Didn’t hear the shower" Zhang Yunyun didn’t good the spirit said, Wennian will kick the door without looking.
W w w collect and organize, return or leave the club.
Chapter 9 exposure
"Taking a shower is not deaf, and your hair is not wet. What bath do you take? What are you doing around the towel? " Wen Nian said that he pulled Zhang Yunyun’s towel and white porcelain skin hickey suddenly appeared in the light.
The three men advised Wen Nian to leave, and one person went to pull up.
"What’s the matter with your neck?" Small roar out.
"Small secretly rob color less than valuable" WenNian said with a smile, kick the door and look at his dormitory as like as two peas.
All eyes were drawn to the room, and a man in clothes slowly let go of all disguise and curled up awkwardly.
Xiaoyi crossed Zhang Yunyun, no matter she exclaimed and punched a man in the face.
Wen Nian looked at all this coldly at the door. Zhang Yunyun struggled to pull a small struggle, and the bath towel was torn off. Large areas of naked skin and exposed traces were clear.
Zhang Yunyun’s frightened eyes, the man became angry from embarrassment and countered Xiaohong’s eyes and fought. A few people inhaled behind him … Wennian Department saw and heard it.
I will be happy, but I feel a little guilty in the chaotic scene in front of me. I didn’t mean to hurt Zhang Yunyun.
It’s not my fault that both of them didn’t wear clothes from the time they knocked on the door to the time when the door was kicked for so long … It’s not my fault that you are stupid.
"What are you doing?" A dignified man broke all the deadlock and turned to see Zhang Xiao with a black face at the door.
Zhang Yunyun screamed sharply.
Filled with trophies won in the last two sports games, the atmosphere in the principal’s office is depressing and suffocating.
Zhang school black face sitting in front of the desk WenNian and small sitting opposite Zhang Yunyun crying and sitting next to the man.
"Zhang school I am a thief in it for a long time. Zhang Yunyun didn’t answer me. I let the little kick the door …" Wen Nian was not afraid to die.
"Shut up"
Zhang Xiao glared at Wen Nian without looking at the two men and said, "You two go home first."
Zhang Yunyun immediately left the man with a swollen face and glared at Xiao and Wen Niancai.
Zhang Xiao leaned into the office chair and had a headache. "Uncle Zhang Yunyun is still in the room. Why do you say you provoked her?"
Before Wen Nian, I heard a little about Zhang Yunyun’s family background. I also believe that otherwise, the provincial team would not want her grades.
"Sorry to bother Zhang Xiao," Wen Nian said obediently. "Just say it’s a misunderstanding to catch a thief …"
"Is Zhang Yunyun willing?"
"… I’ll go"
"What should I do if you retire and leave soon?" It seems very difficult for Zhang school to frown.
"… according to the rules of the team, she can’t fool around in the dormitory." Wen Nian muttered.
"Which one of the rules in the team? You give me a look, "Zhang said angrily.
"Song Nancai is not here for a few days, so you can make trouble for me." Zhang School said angrily.
Wen nian is not happy and his face is cold.
"Wennian I tell you this matter if not handled well, the impact is great. Don’t you have a long brain? Don’t even think about the consequences? You are a teacher elder sister, don’t you know to give way to a little Younger? "
….. WenNian didn’t speak to adopt the policy of silence.
W w w collect and organize, return or leave the club.
Chapter 9 seems to be in trouble
….. WenNian didn’t speak to adopt the policy of silence.
Zhang Xiao-gang has taught me a lesson for more than an hour. My old grandson was stuffed into the office and rescued. As if he had found a savior, he was driven away and wanted to talk and read.
"Miss elder sister, I’ll go back first." Xiao was in no mood and said, turn round and then walk.

"If it’s not serious, you should turn a blind eye when you turn a blind eye."

That’s more like human speech
Little girl puts warm food.
"It’s true that clear water makes fish."
"But the problem is that your control over Licheng is superficial."
"Are your families really afraid of the Lord’s Mansion?"
"It’s just that you threatened the bodhi old zu who didn’t dare to make a move and then affected others."
"But do they really have little personal action?"
Then she found a video to show Wen Liang.
The video is simple.
Is that one person is beating another, and the one who is beaten is curled up with his head in the ground and afraid to fight back.
And a few figures can be seen in the corner of the video.
The little girl brought up another picture.
This picture captures several people, but they are just right to match those figures.
These people are all law enforcement officers.
"Beating is a small family member, and beating is an ordinary person."
"Who are they? Find out for yourself."
"Let’s see what the final result is"
"This is one of the cases, and so on."
"Wen Liang, are you really qualified as a duke?"
When fighters can bully ordinary people at will, it proves that the world has problems.
The duke of Wenliang can’t know anything about this.
But he didn’t do anything
And this is just the tip of the iceberg.
There are many more secret and shameful things happening where he can’t see them.
Maybe some people have stared at the castellan mansion.
After all, the castellan’s mansion is a sword hanging overhead for those big families.
Even if this sword will never fall into their own hands for a generation, they will feel uneasy if it is still there.
Unless this sword disappears
Warm food was silent for a long time without speaking.
And the other side
A young man with fine features appeared in the most famous teahouse in Licheng.
"Hello, could you tell me …"
There is one person, and the young man says two.
The receptionist was just about to show sympathy, and the manager hurriedly came over and squeezed her away.
"You go to busy you this person I’ll say hello"


A huge spray splashed Na Lanqing and was smashed into the water by Long Ze’s force and sank to the bottom. She pointed to her face directly … and her long hair faded when it met water … When she jumped out of the water, it was like hydration and fine hair.
Fading long hair has a silvery luster, giving people a pure white feeling.
"Are you crazy?" Na Lanqing Pei Yi just accidentally took a sip of his bath water.
Long Ze smiled and his body was scarred by medicine. He seemed to be in good spirits after sleeping enough.
Sitting by the pool with his hands spread out, he watched Nalanqing get angry. His face was full of luster. "Stay with me for a while!"
Taking a bath is true, but it’s a little uneasy to have a talk with the wolf!
This product often has sex in the daytime …
Turning around, she snorted coldly. "I have work to do if I don’t bubble up!"
When she turned around and blinked, Long Ze stretched out his hand and grabbed her wrist, and she was dragged into the water again …
The water temperature here is not bad, and soon she doesn’t know whether she is angry or because of the temperature, and her face is flushed.
Long Ze watched her crawl out of the water and her Adam’s apple slipped carelessly …
"Are you sick? You always say something … well …"
When the figure flashed in front of her, her kiss was sealed. Long Ze hugged her waist and floated in the water, making her body shake without direction.
I dare not push the man in front of me too hard … Her head was buckled by a big hand and her little body was rubbed into her arms by Long Ze’s strength …
This man … Is he getting strong again?
How did she feel that his chest was more generous?
As if to resist the kitten, she was rubbed into her arms but was forced to accept his overwhelming kiss …
NaLanQing stare big eyes holding eyes Long Ze hand a kick in the water in the past "yeah will estrus Wolf always said something …"
The important head was stopped. Long Ze half knelt in the pool and narrowed his eyes dangerously …
Suddenly got up from the water and stretched out his hand … Na Lanqing made his hands into fists to guard against the posture.
This is …
There was a lot of resistance in the water. When Long Ze reached over, Na Lanqing was in the same place. Because of the water resistance, she was kicked. Long Ze easily tilted his head and held her high leg to push forward …
Her waist hit the side of the pool, and the man held her leg high in one hand and held her leg high in the other, whispering, "This posture is really good, and it will definitely be extra … deep …"
Na Lanqing’s face was irritable and he kicked his feet by coming back. He held his hands by the pool and kicked one leg and two legs to clamp Long Ze’s neck … The waist was twisted …
A huge splash was splashed. Long Ze was thrown out directly by her, and then she watched Long Ze fall in the water and snorted coldly. "The sample always learned body art!"
Close combat will not be weak.
Welcome everyone to pay attention to moonlight, Weibo warm moonlight 16
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Welcome everyone to join the group. There is soft moonlight to flirt with.
Qingjie Story 53371262
Qingjie Story 53371262
Qingjie Story 53371262
767 by crazy woman love Sue sleep month (4)
The crazy woman loves Su Mianyue (), and the huge splash is splashed. Long Ze is thrown out directly by her, and then she looks at Long Ze falling in the water and grunts coldly. "The demo has always learned body art!" Close combat will not be weak where to proudly raise her head. She climbed the shore but was entangled in something … Long Ze suddenly got up from the bottom of the water curtain and lost her eyes. Long Ze held her ankle and smiled. "Where to go?" She was thrown back into the pool again … When she sank to the bottom, she saw Long Ze’s enlarged face … Long Ze put his arm around her head and kissed her lips directly, forcing her to open her mouth … She didn’t resist when she was stunned. The underwater kiss has a strange taste. She has never tried to fight like this … fighting like fun … Long Ze pressed her under the water. He moved very rudely, but it was also dissolved a lot under the water. Finally, Long Ze pressed her under the water and watched her struggle and kissed her lips mercilessly. Long Ze learned the turtle breathing method for a while, but she couldn’t drown Nalanqing. She had a different vital capacity, but she couldn’t breathe under the water for a long time like Long Ze. Long Ze held her lips hard and reached out directly. Tear her belt and tear up all her clothes … After a while, she didn’t have a piece of cloth, and she could see that her long white hair was crushed in the water and floated lightly with the waves … It seemed that those songs attracted the crew to the siren! Beautiful and illusory … and deadly Nalanqing’s resistance to breathing is equal to … Long Ze won’t let her go. She is a little weak because of lack of oxygen. Until Long Ze tore up her clothes and left her naked, she resisted Long Ze’s evil smile … She opened her eyes wide and pushed her hands towards Long Ze … Buckle her floating waist dragon and put her lips on her … What did she say when she saw her eyes wide and shook her head … She opened her mouth so hard that water choked her throat. It’s especially uncomfortable to be … floating around … to hold Long Ze … Long Ze brought her out of the water … She gulped and breathed "Don’t … Long Ze …" "What did I teach you to call me if you want to beg for mercy at this time?" Long Ze’s sexy stereo got up and held her to the pool … imprisoned her in her own pool … "Xiao Qing’s son said …" Long Ze’s low sexy voice rang in her ear with a little charm. She bit her lips and moved without any physical strength … and her mind was groggy … "For me!" The devil whispers in her ear, and she feels his gentle movement and the soft sound in her ear is groggy. When she is in love, she can’t help but call "husband … jun …" These two words are about a certain head for Long Ze? Hearing Na Lanqing’s soft voice, coquetry, praying for softness, smallness, strength and overbearing at ordinary times, this kind of unbearable desire to ravage the fragile sample aroused his strong heart * * want more … want to see her more and more expressions … not enough! Not enough "husband … husband …" Looking at her again and again, calling Long Ze to hold her tight is not good! Stupid woman, don’t call me this seductive voice over and over again, especially at this time … "I love you, Xiaoqinger …" Over and over again, when she finished hearing, Long Ze’s deep voice was full of love, which made her unconscious and her brain even more confused. Her hands clung to Long Ze as if she could find her way back. Suddenly, Long Ze let her go, and her physical strength slipped to the bottom of the water, choking. She couldn’t believe that at the end, Long Ze let her go unilaterally? Angry that she suddenly got up from the bottom of the water and her face was unsatisfied. "Long Ze, you, he …" I was about to swear when I opened my mouth. Suddenly, I saw a thin needle passing her ear. When Long Ze quickly withdrew, a large number of water curtains were splashed on the water … Long Ze tapped the water and pulled his coat around his waist. His face was particularly gloomy … His eyes were full of anger and he stared at a certain direction "Death!" Rage! That’s the most important moment that provoked the roar of the lion in insatiability. When he was unprepared, there would be an assassin. What do raccoons eat? Long Ze’s temper is very bad at this time, and she flashes toward a corner … Na Lanqing rises from the bottom, her body is very sensitive, and a touch of emptiness rises in her heart … gritting her teeth * * In the water, her hands are clenched. "Mom always wants to skin you and cramp you!" It doesn’t matter if two people are disturbed when they are doing good things, but it’s just that they can’t get over it when they make trouble at the most important moment. Isn’t this to die? Two angry beasts ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Details plus group
76 be crazy woman love Sue sleep month (5)
Being loved by a crazy woman Su Mianyue () It doesn’t matter if they are disturbed when they are doing good things. It just happens that when they make trouble at the most important moment, they can’t get over it. Watermark advertising test Watermark advertising test Isn’t this to die? Made two angry beasts … Want to leave intact? Long Ze Nalanqing was born so angry for the first time because people know that being interrupted abruptly and fidgety without expression of eyes will have a limit to being tortured. Don’t blame others. Long Ze was chased out in a baggy coat. He was particularly angry not only at the assassination in front of him, but also at his anger. His dark guard didn’t find an assassin … It could! Long Ze’s eyes are covered with layers of horrible ink flame, which is a kind of real flame. If you get close to him now, it will be burned to the point where there is not even a trace of flesh and blood left. Long Ze’s lips and chest are undulating with dark horror, and his eyes are full of dead murder. He will definitely kill this assassin … hard … otherwise, he will vent his anger from the bottom of his heart … Na Lanqing suddenly got up from the bottom of the water. She casually pulled a curtain around her and put it on her body. Her pupils were constricted "Hehe … Fuck!" "Sumu" ordered Sumu to come over. As soon as he appeared, he felt a flower and a figure approaching at a high speed. When he came over, his chest ached and his body had flown out. He knelt on one knee and half kneeling. "I’m sorry, it was a mistake!" If you don’t explain that you let the enemy in, even if he is wrong, you must explain "kill him!" Na Lanqing gritted her teeth, and now she’s so upset that she really wants to destroy it … When Sumu left, she jumped off the roof of the house and looked at Fang Long Ze chasing the black dress person’s face and flashed the picture … She followed the past straight … and I’m not finished with you! ….. The assassin chased after NaLanQing in Long Ze, stopped behind it, and Kuai Sumu wanted to make amends. Finally, when the assassin was forced to take the road, he was directly fanned to the ground by Long Ze. When he was unconscious, he was dragged to NaLanQing by Sumu Kuai, and his limbs were twisted like throwing a dead dog. It may be seen that he was abruptly interrupted … Sumu stretched out his hand and pulled the assassin’s face, and black cloth revealed a Cangshan and familiar face … It seems that he had seen this female assassin in front of Yan Jiner .. Na Lanqing gritted her teeth, but she was so angry that Long Ze put his arm around her waist and his face was also not very good. He added faintly, "Don’t let her die so soon!" "Yes!" "Yes!" Su Mu Zhi was brought away from one side. Qu Xing-er saw that Nalanqing was soaked in water and took a coat to cover her body. She was almost exposed in spring. Nalanqing’s body was gently tugged at her shoulder coat, and she hated to twist her lips. The spring tide was interrupted by hard life. It was a saint who would be mad. Long Ze bent down and picked Nalanqing up. While Qu Xing-er stepped back a few steps, she would no longer be too far away. Although it was not good for them to have sex, it was too far away. Disadvantages also appeared. It’s better to have a close guard. Take Nalanqing back to Fangqu Xinger and stay silent outside the door … Retract the bed. Nalanqing turns her back to Long Ze. She looks particularly unhappy. "Don’t sleep in wet clothes!" Long Ze stretched out her hand, and she would be angry and refuse. I didn’t expect her to turn over and close her eyes, and then he would untie her body fabric and roll it away … and she rolled herself up into a silkworm baby … and muffled the sound "I want to kill someone!" Long Zenai was spoiled and nodded emotionally. "Kill her slowly!" "hmm!" Long Ze stretched out his hand and hugged her and felt her * * not back. There was a great reaction to throw herself on the bed and continue her unfinished business … "Miss, it’s not good …" Yan Jiner sat in front of the dresser and dressed herself, narrowing her eyes and thinking about being picked up by her. Su Mianyue, she was happy and humming a little girl’s shortness of breath, making her face sink. "What’s the noise? Believe it or not, Miss has pulled out your tongue? " The girl turned pale with fear and knelt down quickly and said, "Miss, it’s bad. The assassination failed. There is a bloody body in the middle of the lake. It seems that it is your dark guard dressed in black …" "What?" Yan Jiner’s voice rose violently and walked towards the middle of the lake … There is a good artificial lake building around the Mogu clan, where there will be many people passing by. At this time, the heads of families are gathering together and pointing to something on the lakeside tree … "Give it to Miss!"Yan Jiner pushed the onlookers to the tree and looked at the scene in front of her. Her pupils shrank and the whole person seemed stiff … She covered her lips with consciousness … She looked at the scene in horror and anger … She was dark and defensive. Being hung up, her legs were put into the lake, and her body was hung from the branches … and a large number of piranhas gathered. The woman’s legs were soaked in the lake, and the fish had been eating the undulating waves. You can see the Bai Sensen bones … The woman still has breath, and the chest is undulating … Because of the pain, she fainted again and again, and her throat has made a sound. Even if the piranha devoured her flesh and blood a little, the tearing pain could make her scream that she was cut out by Lili. She sewed her lips with her eyes … Lili made her into an ugly doll, a piranha, whose blood stirred in the water and dyed the lake red … However, people dared to approach … The woman in front of her was so weird that it was obvious that Yan Jiner’s eyes were sore and she looked at her dark guard and was abused … It was even more breath-making. "Somebody, get me here soon?"Yan Jiner made someone dare to pull the branches carefully before trying to untie people … A stone was found in the distance. Long Ze appeared on the shelf in the distance wearing a coat. The stone in his hand was playing on the person who wanted an antidote … The whole person slipped towards the lake … When slipping away, he pulled another person around him … At the same time, another branch hugging a woman’s body could not bear this weight and should break … Plopped into the lake … " Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah … "—————-Welcome to the moonlight, warm moonlight in Weibo = do you have tickets? Monthly ticket recommended votes can be voted for moonlight! Yao Yao Da = Welcome everyone to join the group. The waves are soft and the moonlight can tease the story of Qing sister, Qing sister, Qing sister.
769 I am Ling Lan, not necessarily Ling Lan (1)
I’m Ling Lan, not necessarily Ling Lan (), and I fell into the lake with a splash … "Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah …" A large number of piranhas were washed ashore when the huge water splashed, and the chiefs heard the sound of huge waves and screamed in pain. They saw two people floundering and struggling in the water … They were surrounded by pink piranhas and tightly wound … They refused to let go of the watermark advertisement test. Don’t look at the cute little pink fish, but it’s the fiercest and most numerous piranha in Cangshan. You can see this fish like to eat meat in a small puddle! One scream after another sounded, and people dared to help for fear of being entangled by these piranhas. They were afraid of piranhas from small to large, and they thought deeply. One by one, they looked at two men in the water and screamed in horror. Everyone took a step back. At this time, people dared to help. The screams gradually calmed down … You can see a large number of fish stirred up small splashes … After a while, the lake was quiet … I saw the lake full of water. Red heads are pushed to the top by piranhas in the water as if they were exercising after cooking … In front of these people bit by bit … The three heads were also eaten up … The bones sank to the bottom of the lake … The lake … Restored calm Long Ze looked at this scene from a distance, and a stone flew in different directions. Yan Jiner felt the danger and turned to hold it … There was no figure there who could hold the stone in her hand and looked in one direction. Very good! She did underestimate the fox. It’s about that. The man she came to? That man seems to have high martial arts! This thing is absolutely not fun! Yanjinger stormed away from her self-esteem and was provoked more and more. She was so angry that she kicked Yantong’s room. At this time, Yantong was busy with beautiful concubines. She was so scared that the whole person was defeated or an assassin … Yanjinger looked at the picture inside and slammed the door for a while before she directly went in and kicked it on the side table. The table was abruptly broken. "Father, I want to kill that bitch! Absolutely kill her! " It’s rare to see her angry like this. Yantong is afraid to approach this time. She hurriedly coaxed, "What’s wrong with that bitch, my dear daughter?" Calm down, calm down … "At the same time, the concubine quickly poured a glass of water and handed it to her trembling." Miss, have some water! " After taking the water, Yan Jiner threw the cup in her hand to the ground with a bang. She twisted her beautiful little face and it was very penetrating. "That bitch killed me, but she didn’t say it, but she also provoked me openly. She won’t give up until she reports this revenge!" "She can kill you and assassinate you?" Yantong doesn’t know the origin of Nalanqing. Accurately speaking, except Su Mianyue, some people in the Mogu family know the origin of Nalanqing. She was brought in inexplicably … Some unsuspecting heads of families also said that she was the lover of Su Mianyue. "Hum, how can she kill my dark guard? It’s that bitch adulterer! " Yan Jiner thought of the picture when she robbed her relatives that day. For Long Ze, she still has some memories of a person who can fight against that horrible man … Why does that fox have such a martial arts high-powered person to protect her? "I went to find out that there are several dark guards around them … that man is by no means a mortal …" "No, I can’t wait. I must kill that bitch!" Yan Jiner sat down in the intact chair and was in a state of confusion. She was very angry. "Their origin has not been found out yet …" Yan Jiner laughed coldly. "I won’t touch that man, but I will definitely let her die quietly, right?" Yan Jiner smiled grimly as if she thought of something. She was happy to raise an eyebrow. Yan Tong, the elder, saw her own way to persuade her daughter to ask, "What do you want to do?" "I remember my father knew how the patriarch opened the forbidden ground machine?" "You don’t want to …" Yantong one leng some surprise "sad interest died in the forbidden area who can say what? In the final analysis, it is her malicious intention to break into the forbidden area of our family and ask for it! " Yan Jiner patted the skirt and seemed to have pulled out the throat thorn. Suddenly, a lot of Yan Jiner left a mess all over the floor after leaving. Yan Tongnai also urged her daughter to control her personality by other means more strongly than his wife … If she wants something, she must get it, even if it is ruined … "Somebody call the elders!" Yan Tongda ordered to look at Yan Jiner from the back, and he pushed the women around him as well. Although her daughter’s personality is too strong, it is easy to shock others. Isn’t it the same for her to be the patriarch with him? This daughter doesn’t care much about Li * *. Everything is arbitrary … There is nothing unwilling to make her a patriarch. This can still be guaranteed. After all, it is his proudest and best daughter who insists that he must die! ….. Long Ze returned to the front of the house and reached the command lightly, then walked to Nalanqing’s bedside and lifted her contentedly with her eyes closed … On the third day, Su Mianyue still fell, which made Nalanqing innocent. He disappeared for three days because of an accident, and it was in such an important first three days that he disappeared. In addition to the current situation, there are other possibilities. "Xie Shi, your latent power is stronger. You can’t see what you find by tracking Yanjinger … … Hector three you go to stare at YanTong … Wolf snow you … "NaLanQing ordered to go around not many people, she also can’t scattered one by one to keep an eye on important people. Long Ze hand came around from behind her and said in a low voice," Why do you care so much? Shall we leave? " He was very affectionate because he didn’t want Xiao Qing-er to be involved in other people’s grievances. Na Lanqing shook her head. "Su Mianyue was not a bad person before, although he was still my friend to me … Long Ze, I don’t want to give him up for the time being!" Maybe she is soft-hearted, but she can’t hate it-digression-Welcome everyone to note the moonlight, warm moonlight in Weibo = do you have a ticket? Monthly ticket recommended votes can be voted for moonlight!Yao Yao Da = Welcome everyone to join the group. The waves are soft and the moonlight can tease the story of Qing sister, Qing sister, Qing sister.
77 I am Ling Lan, not necessarily Ling Lan (2)
Update the latest chapter after the tyrant returns to bully the pet owl!
77 I am Ling Lan, not necessarily Ling Lan (2)
Na Lanqing shook her head. "Su Mianyue was not a bad person. Although our enemy is still my friend to me … Long Ze, I don’t want to give him up for the time being!"
Maybe it’s softhearted.

Yinger zheng charming body trembling slightly for a moment clever nodded his head.

After drinking a toast, the atmosphere in the room changed instantly, and the temperature seemed to rise several degrees.
Li Yuanqing scruples laughing again will YingEr in her arms wantonly kissed her pretty face.
The maids around me didn’t dare to look, and they retreated to one side and dared not breathe.
But just as Li Yuanqing was about to kiss her red lips, Yinger suddenly stopped overdoing it and seemed to get up the courage and said, "Sir, do you really want to marry me?"
Chapter 4 grapes are sour if you can’t eat them?
Kneel down and subscribe to the boat. Thank you.
The red candle light gently swings the big red bed curtain with the wind, reflecting two ethereal but clear outlines, and also making Yinger’s white and delicate skin more delicate.
But at this time, her bright eyes are full of grievances, and crystal tears are swirling, which makes people unable to say how loving they are.
Li Yuanqing also stopped moving.
It suddenly occurred to him that the charming woman in front of him was not one of his concubines, but his flat wife, the eldest lady.
Li Yuanqing suddenly smiled and gently held Yinger’s little hand. "Why do you ask?"
Yinger see Li Yuanqing smile relaxed and soft heart slightly relaxed some "they they all say …"
Yinger looked at Li Yuanqing’s eyes and suddenly clenched her lips, but she was afraid to talk about it.
Li Yuanqing laughed. "Did someone say that I, Li Yuanqing, wanted to marry you by unscrupulous means?"
Yinger one leng didn’t expect Li Yuanqing to be so direct or so magnanimous without a trace of taboo …
"Master handmaiden handmaiden didn’t mean that …" Yinger busy way
Be Li Yuanqing holding hands suddenly a tight charming body are trembling slightly.
Li Yuanqing smiled. "Yinger, I want to say that I don’t care about my family property, and you don’t believe me, but everything has a cause and a result, which complement each other. Actually, your family property I married is just one aspect, which is largely negligible, but the key is still you."
Li Yuanqing said with a finger and a smile, provoked Yinger to be sharp and soft, and let her look at her eyes.
Li Yuanqing’s burning breath was sprayed on Yingerqiao face, and Yingerqiao face suddenly became more and more ruddy, with long eyelashes blinking. I didn’t dare to look at Li Yuanqing’s eyes and red lips and moved to say something, but I finally said it.
Staring at this perfect piece of delicate and charming face, the flame in Li Yuanqing’s chest and abdomen is also extremely explosive, but Li Yuanqing is clear that although the fat has reached his eyes and mouth, he must be more patient.
"Hehe Yinger, do you remember when we first met?"
Li Yuanqing smiled and put Yinger’s little hand in the palm and gently toyed with her delicate fingers.
Yingerqiao face is more and more ruddy. "Master was a handmaiden at that time. Handmaiden was so unreasonable …"
Li Yuanqing smiled and kissed Yingerqiao face and stuck it in her ear: "When I first met you, I thought in my heart that this pretty little girl, Pi Ye, I must marry into the house."
Yinger didn’t expect Li Yuanqing to be so vulgar … But when I heard this in my heart, I couldn’t help but feel that she was attracted by Li Yuanqing’s name when she tasted it.
But at this time, although what is done is done, Yinger’s heart is somewhat swayed by considerations of gain and loss. "Sir …"
Yinger called Li Yuanqing, who wanted to say something but didn’t know what to say.
Li Yuanqing smiled, "Yinger, you said I was listening."
Yinger nodded and suddenly said, "Sir, if I don’t marry you, will there be any danger for every family?"
Li Yuanqing couldn’t help laughing. "This problem is very complicated, but it’s not home. Everyone in Zhenjiang, including us, will move soon."
Li Yuanqing will briefly tell Yinger about the plan to relocate all the people in Zhenjiang City.
Yinger’s big eyes couldn’t help but stare big. She had heard Li Yuanqing’s plan from her father and brother’s mouth before, but at this time, when Li Yuanqing really said it, she still felt a little incredible. This is simply crazy.
"Sir, how is that possible? People won’t choose to leave home easily "Yinger busy way.
Li Yuanqing slowly vomited an one mouthful polluted air. "Yinger, you said it was good. If you want to make this thing, you are doomed to face many difficulties, and you have to pay a lot of blood. So I need help, whether it’s home or family."

"This this ….." Black dress person also got a fright at that time I don’t know what to reply as well.

Chai Xue, look at his heart. As soon as he was annoyed, he ran to the shore without saying anything about the semi-wet skirt.
She wanted to talk to Qiao Rui for a long time, but she couldn’t find a talent to wander around here so casually, knowing that he was here. She had to talk to him about what she had done, and then she had to put herself under house arrest in this place that was out of contact with the outside world. Uh, for Chai Xue, that’s the situation now.
She stormed across a large beach, ignoring passers-by and feet covered with fine sand, and was about to rush to the hotel in one breath.
"oh! Which bastard can’t walk with eyes? " A painful shout accompanied by anger made Chai Xue stop.
"Assistant Yi Wang, you are here!" I didn’t expect to see a familiar face. Chai Xue unexpectedly called one.
At this moment, Wang Zhengyang also saw that Chai Xue wanted to call names, and his mouth suddenly stopped. He was hit by someone, and he was a little unhappy. What’s worse, he was just in a bad mood when he was beaten in Qiao Rui, and now he is even more unhappy.
See Wang Zhengyang hubris Chai Xue clap was hit by the arm while unhappy tunnel "President’s wife, although this is your home resort, but you and your wife are no less than a nostril to vent, even the words are so verbatim."
Smell speech Chai Xue froze what do you mean,’ it’s not bad to say what you say’? I can’t help but ask, "Assistant Wang, can you speak more clearly?"
"That is to say ….." Wang Zhengyang was about to say that he suddenly saw a man in black behind Chai Xue, and he was listening with his ears upright, and stopped looking around and stretched out his hand to pull Chai Xue into a corner before he spoke angrily.
"Madam President, I tell you that my assistant is really wronged! Do you and I really want to come here? It’s not a vacation, and there are a lot of things waiting for me to deal with in the company. I’m not here to suffer for myself! I really didn’t want to come at that time, but what did it matter? Someone is very willing to come. I have to come even if I am busy! "
Wang Zhengyang said that he was heartbroken, but he was not heartbroken.
But after listening to Chai Xue for a long time, I was still confused and looked at Wang Zhengyang, which meant to let him get to the point.
Wang Zhengyang saw that his words could not arouse Chai Xue’s sympathy. He stamped a few feet like a coquetry and complained with no love. "God, what is this world?" Who am I working so hard for? Why don’t one and two places understand my sufferings? "
With these words, I buried my face in my hand and swallowed it.
Uh, is it nice for a big man to do this in public?
Chai Xue rolled up his eyes and thought that the goods were really hopeless!
Section 34
But you can’t really humiliate him like this. It’s outrageous. Did others see it or did she bully him like this?
Suddenly Chai Xueshen shook her head and felt a kind of hair upside down all over her body, which immediately made her realize that she must have goose bumps.
Alas, this idiot didn’t pick the time and place for no reason, which made him lose face.
You said that a big man’s appearance in public embarrassed her as an out-and-out woman?
Not Chai Xue stretched out his hand and patted Wang Zhengyang’s shoulder, but she didn’t respond. Of course, the strength also increased.
This reflects that Wang Zhengyang is still burying his face in his shoulders and muttering, "Don’t touch me, can’t you see that people are sad?"
Well, feel sorry for yourself. I don’t have time to lose face here with you.
Chai Xue clapped her hands and turned away.
Perhaps Wang Zhengyang was unhappy when he heard the footsteps. "Eh, can’t you comfort me when I see someone so sad?"
Chai Xue lived and said grumpily, "I don’t want to bother you!" You can vent as much as you want without being disturbed. "
Which know Wang Zhengyang grabbed Chai Xue arm before "don’t I want to tell you"
Chai Xueshen froze completely, shaking his legs and touching the sand skirt, and turned around silently.
Chapter 3 is not something.
"If you have something to say, don’t pander." Chai Xueli broke away from Wang Zhengyang and grabbed his hand and looked around consciously. No one really noticed their side before he could rest assured.
"I can’t wait for you to go again." Wang Zhengyang held on tighter.
Chai Xue can’t be caught by him.
Suddenly Wang Zhengyang animal up "ah, why are you so dirty? Go and wash up quickly. I don’t want to talk to a dirty person like you. "
As he spoke, he jumped aside as if Chai Xue was too dirty to approach.
And Chai Xue? As soon as Wang Zhengyang’s words were finished, he turned decisively and left without looking back. This was called by Wang Zhengyang behind her and she didn’t look back.
Grandma drops to a potential to go to Qiao Rui to judge, and now what momentum has been worn away by these idiots.
Chai Xue is now losing any sense of momentum, but rather sullenly.
She really can’t understand how Wang Zhengyang got hold of the hk Chief Assistant.
In fact, there are many people who want to make this question white, such as this one
Chai Xuegang went to the door and saw that the next door was beaten. She consciously stopped.
A smiling face appeared in front of Chai Xue, who immediately froze and squinted quietly in situ.
"Chai Xue! Why are you here? " Jiang Youling saw Chai Xue’s smile at that moment and immediately put away his eyes and stared at Chai Xue with resentment.
"Sloppy" Chai Xue couldn’t help laughing and reaching out to caress her shoulders and hair casually. "Miss Jiang’s field is always so surprising. Did my appearance scare you?"
After Chai Xue said, Jiang Youling also realized that her reaction was too strong. She was busy putting away her face and looked inside consciously.
Chai Xue looked at her reaction and didn’t want to know who was in the room
Sure enough, Jiang Youling lowered his voice. "I don’t care if you appear here. Anyway, you can’t see Qiao Rui now, so leave here and leave the island as soon as possible."
Smell it, Chai Xue’s eyes are dim. Uncle, when I want to come here! Embarrassed, he remembered Wang Zhengyang’s words. He also didn’t want to come here, saying that someone was very willing to come and he had to come.
Oh, Chai Xue, this is white. It turned out that Jiang Youling threatened him to come.
Chai Xuegen didn’t want Jiang Youling to talk and lift her feet to bypass her and go to the room.

Now Wei Jiangping and Leng Ling are living a leisurely and happy life on the island, and he doesn’t want to ask about the island anymore.

With the defender Jiang Ping and his wife, Lin Yi was invited to the house to cook a good dish for Lengling, and the two brothers had a good chat with each other.
Wei Jiangping also asked about Qin Duoduo, and he still missed this Yimei very much.
Lin Yi told Wei Jiangping that Qin Duoduo was doing well and told him not to worry.
And Lin Yi also don’t know Qin Duoduo has now been under house arrest by Qin Dingfang.
Finally, Wei Jiangping sighed, "Although the second brother married Qin Dingfang a lot and did a lot of wrong things, she was our sworn sister after all. In those days, we swore to heaven that we would share weal and woe. If you break into the northern government in the future, you will definitely leave her alive."
Lin Yi certainly won’t kill Qin Duoduo.
Although Qin Duoduo is wrong, his crime is not fatal, and Qin Duoduo may be his half-sister.
Lin Yi said, "Eldest brother, don’t worry, how can I kill a lot? I’m still thinking about how to get her away from Qin Dingfang. Forget it. Let’s have another toast …"
Lin Yi and Weijiang drank straight until midnight, and when they were both drunk, they slept on the same bed.
Early the next morning, Lin Yi left Piao Island to return.
Lin Yi has to go back two years ago. Grandpa, Dad and brothers and sisters in the south have a good year.
Years later, it will be blood shed’s struggle again.
Although Zuo Chaoyang has become a floating island owner, he has to go back to spend the New Year with his mother. He has spent every New Year with her for so many years. He knows that her mother is waiting for him to go back now.
Zuo Chaoyang handed over all the island affairs to Hunchback, and told Hunchback to report to Mei Mei for negotiation in case of major events. He also asked him to take care of Erkui and not to rock the boat.
After all settled down, Lin Yi and Zuo Chaoyang left the island by boat.
Haizuo Chaoyang asked Lin Yi
"Crane Hill, you and Miao Xue won a few days ago and lost to him again? Brother Lin, it’s just you and me in this sea. Just tell me honestly who won? "
Chapter 40th Lunar New Year’s Eve Passing by (2)
Zuo Chaoyang asked about this matter. Lin Yi looked at the vast sea and turned to Zuo Chaoyang.
Lin Yi said, "Brother Zuo really lost, and Miao Xue and I knew it at that time. I didn’t expect Miao Xue to be lenient, otherwise I would have to turn against the three major factions. The consequences would be unimaginable …"
Zuo Chaoyang said, "Although Miao Xue hates evil, he is not stupid. He will also consider the consequences and make you anxious. It’s hard for you. You are not my master, and they are not floating on the island. They can’t compete with you, and my master, the’ culprit’, has been killed by them. He simply sends a personal favor to the goddess so that you will be grateful to him."
Zuo Chaoyang judged that Lin Yi also thought about it, but regardless of the wonderful snow, Lin Yi was very grateful to him.
Lin Yi thinks Miao Xue is a respectable friend.
Zuo Chaoyang added, "So Baihezhuang, you won and he lost this time?"
This makes Zuo Chaoyang very confused.
Lin Yi explained, "Because my strength is completely different from Miao Xue’s’ Mo Tuo’s mixed qi’, my strength is like a continuous tide, and each wave is stronger than the other. There is a process of gaining momentum, and Miao Xue’s strength can reach the extreme in an instant. In Baihezhuang, we have an advantage over our strength for a long time. This time, it is an instant thing to pour our strength into the dead leaves, and he has an advantage over me."
After hearing what Lin Yi said, Zuo Chaoyang understood why Lin Yi lost.
Zuo Chaoyang said, "This wonderful snow is a trick to foster strengths and avoid weaknesses."
Lin Yi laughed. "It doesn’t really matter whether he wins or loses. The most important thing is that he gives up and then announces on the spot that he will settle with Piaodao. Let me admire this."
Lin Yi also knows that Miao Xue won him because of the different force characteristics of both sides, but that is no longer important. Now Piaodao has turned to a dangerous place, and Zuo Chaoyang has taken charge of Piaodao again. He is no longer worried about the safety of Mei Mei, and Zuo Chaoyang and Mei Mei have negotiated to find an appropriate time to announce the abolition of the island of offering sacrifices to sea children, which is full of anger and resentment, and to change livestock sacrifices.
When Ling Nie died, all the thorny problems were solved.
The New Year is when Lin Yi and Zuo Chaoyang can go back for the New Year. The speed of their rowing boat in Qi Li is even more like arrows flying out of the sea.
When they landed, they changed to Ma Pixing and Dai Yue galloped. Finally, in the early morning of New Year’s Eve, they rushed back to Jinzhou Branch.
At this time, there are fire lanterns hanging everywhere in the branch, and all the doors and windows are also pasted with red couplets, which are a festive atmosphere.
Zeng Tengyun, Zuo Jingjing, Wang Huigui and Qin Gumei also returned to Jinzhou, and Zhou Liang and Tai Shilang went to Hezhou to take over their defense and let them come back for the New Year.
Lin Yi was forced not to stay to see her sister when she came back.
Lin Shuang saw Lin Yi jumping into his brother’s arms, and the two brothers and sisters hugged each other tightly to express their thoughts for each other. Then Lin Shuang took Lin Yi to a cabinet, where she played with ornaments, rouge powder and all kinds of sweets and snacks, adding up to a box full of them.
Lin Shuang’s hand was pointing at Lin Yi. Lin Yi learned from her sister’s sign language that these were all given to her by Qin Guangmin, which made Lin Yi very pleased and really happy for her sister.
But Lin Shuang’s face suddenly filled with some worries. She said to Lin Yi in sign language that Qin Guangmin was very kind to her, but she didn’t recognize her as Miss Lin instead of her expected sister title.
Lin Yi said, "You can’t believe that Shuang Er Qin Guangmin has experienced everything. Now he is very good to you. He will definitely recognize you when he gives him some."
Lin Shuang nodded.
Then MuYi and Ceng Tengyun came in.
Zeng Tengyun was wearing a brand-new robe, and the whole person was radiant.
Lin Yi quipped, "Lin Yi has seen Hezhou Wanghezhou. How is everything?"
Zeng Tengyun said, "It’s wonderful. Everything is peaceful. As a result, Wang does everything except eat and sleep. He is practicing hard. One day, I will show you my knife skills. It’s simply an earth-shattering cry." Zeng Tengyun turned around and showed off his new clothes. Happiness is beyond words. "Uncle Lin, this is your sister. I am the king of new clothes. Is there a more handsome and stalwart man in this new clothes?"
Lin Yi laughed and said, "There is no such thing as a double day."
Zeng Tengyun gave a heartfelt smile.
Mu Yishuang said to Zeng Tengyun, "You blew the cows to death."
Then Mu Yishuang went to Lin Yi. She had a parcel in her hand, and she beat it with a new suit inside.
Muyi handed Lin Yi a pair of new clothes. "It’s thirty today, Brocade, and my sister has given you a new dress. Go back and take a shower and change clothes. Everyone is happy for the New Year."
Lin Yi said, "Thank you, Sister. I’ll go back and change now. By the way, Brother Zeng, tonight we must have a good drink from this year to next."
Lin Yi will go back to his place first.
Lin Yi took a hot bath to wash away his fatigue, and then changed Muyi pairs to make him new clothes.
Thinking that today is the New Year’s Eve, but his wife and daughter are not around, this makes Lin Yi feel a little dim and timely calculate that his wife and daughter have arrived in the south.
Then the door was knocked Lin Yi let in.
Come in from flowers.
Hua Zi said to Lin Yi, "Lin Wang, I got the news yesterday that Hu Ling’s hidden soul took people from the north to the south in three days."
This made Lin Yi feel surprised.

An Yan’s eyes closed and he hugged him tightly, and his voice was "afraid"

In the dark, a dizzy woman fell into softer bedding, and the familiar smell rushed into her nose and her eyes adapted to it. Without light, the bedroom could see many things clearly.
Before she could respond, the man leaned forward and took her into his arms.
It’s quiet around. Breathing is his smell.
And quiet enough that she can hear Xiao Jing’s steady and powerful heartbeat, which is different from her deer’s beating.
"Xiao …"
"Don’t move. I want to hug you."
As she said, she really stopped moving or relaxed and said, "haven’t you been holding me all the time?"
But now this environment is different.
He didn’t speak, but his mood was obviously a little different from that just now. His arm was so strong that he almost embedded her in his body.
An Yan slowly relaxed his fingers and slowly touched his short and hard hair, and his fingers shuttled through his hair.
If he doesn’t talk, he won’t talk, so the two of them keep hugging each other, and he still controls his body without crushing her.
At the moment, Xiao Jing is not erotic, but simply holding her and his burning breath is all bursting at her neck. When the man’s good voice rings in silence-
"Who am I?"
"… huh?" There is something wrong with Anyan.
He held her tight, causing her to knit her brows in the dark. "Who am I?"
Then he asked again and didn’t mean to be impatient
An Yan squinted his eyes and fingers touched his vague facial outline and gently rubbed it. Then he said with a smile, "You are Xiao Jing."
The man’s jaw in the palm of his hand is covered with a layer of shallow stubble, which can not be seen in the light, but can be felt by his fingers, but it is very real, and there is a tingling feeling in his palm.
"You used to be a very bad person …"
A woman’s finger was suddenly caught-close to his lips and moved to her ear, while she was in his arms. How tight was it that she was held by a man?
Section 6
Probably one second ago, Anyan felt that she could breathe, but she felt a little difficult to breathe when she was held by him so much.
I was awake just now, but now I feel a little dizzy in my head. There are layers of entanglement and overlapping emotions in my heart. Yan Yan reached out and gently grabbed his waist shirt.
"I’m Xiao Jing to Anyan, and I can’t forget this person in my life, you know?"
His voice is deep and dumb, like a dull grand piano in D key.
An Yan reflected a sense of "but people have a generation who don’t forget their generation, too …"
"People have a generation, but the soul is not-"The man interrupted her.
Buddhist scriptures say that human body has a lifetime, but the soul is eternal.
She smiled with a sigh. "But I don’t want to meet you, Mr. Xiao. It’s too tired and too hard."
The words sound just fell and Anyan felt very dizzy. In the darkness, she changed her position with him, and now she was lying beside him.
A man’s big palm on her waist means a lot to me.
Ann breathed a little breathless, but then she lay prone on his chest and held his eyes narrowed. "Where are you so overbearing? This generation is not enough. Do you really have any three lives?" That’s all a lie. "
Suddenly, it seems that I remembered something. Yan Yan opened his eyes and looked at the French window. The curtains still fluttered gently, and the night was very thick outside.
At this moment, Anjin unexpectedly entered her mind and calculated carefully that her brother had been away from her for more than ten years.
An Yan couldn’t help but wet her eyes, but her voice was still calm. She said in a declarative way, "What generation of Xiao Jing people died when they died? You see, if I really died at the beginning, there is no such person in this world as An Yan. She won’t know whether you hate her or love her."
"Nothing is nothing. No matter how hard you can’t find it, she won’t come back unless you tell her-"
There was a pause before he added, "And even if you came to me on the dead road, you couldn’t find me. I must have left long ago, and I want heaven after I die, but you are too bad to me … God will definitely not let us …"
"Don’t say don’t say …"
Xiao Jing will pour out, but she is very calm. She holds her in her arms. The distance between them is very close, but it is not a negative distance.
An Yan hugged his body with a sigh and gently said, "Xiao Jing, I mean, the rest of my life is still long. Let’s have a good life when this life is left."
Answering her is that the two of them hugged each other tightly in the dark in his hot arms, which is the first time that Xiao Jing has revealed his emotions for a few days.
She patted his back and smelled his familiar smell. "I know I didn’t give you a sense of security, but you have to believe me. I’m here to promise you." The man looked her in the dark and said quietly, "I won’t leave you until I die, okay?"
For Xiao Jing, when someone becomes more important than himself, that kind of gain and loss in the bones will never be eliminated.
But there is still a difference between having her guarantee and not having her guarantee at this time.
For a long time, he still buried his head in her neck and gently replied, touching her soft hair, "Remember to tell me if you have any discomfort in the future, remember?"
"… good"
In this situation today, she actually imagined that she had a nosebleed, but it was because of his words that Xiao Jing would be like this.
He himself said that even if she had a nosebleed because of him, he would not let her leave, or suffer together and die together.
Either she comes before him.
But if this is the case, he will be like no one knows.

Gu Xiaofei looked at several people trapped in a good mood. "I can’t believe you!"

"You garbage incredibly still dare to arrogance in front of ye seems to be a time to lose not completely" Yin Yichu at this time feel very wronged in the carriage and they can’t get up and don’t know how Gu Xiaofei did it, even with the carriage locked in the cage with them.
Did he control all those poison bee?
Ye Qianlong was not in a hurry when he saw it. "Gu Xiaofei, do you think this broken cage can kill us?"
Gu Xiaofei heard Ye Qianlong’s words and immediately said, "You are wrong. My purpose this time is not to ask you to die, but to ask you to die."
Several people know in their hearts that it is difficult to repair Ye Qianlong’s heart pulse when they miss the best treatment, but Gu Xiaofei’s move is to prevent them from reporting to Yundu on time.
"Kindly wake you up. The rope dragging the iron cage is not strong enough to withstand your tossing. Once the poisonous bee honey in your lake falls, it will definitely make you unforgettable. Goodbye and enjoy it."
Having said that, Gu Xiaofei turned and disappeared into the Woods.
Night Lan Yi was angry and chopped a foot at the thought of Gu Xiaofei’s arrogance. "Gu Xiaofei will definitely throw you into the river to feed the fish when I go out!"
With Yiyi’s slap, the carriage shook violently, and it actually dropped slightly as if it were about to fall into the lake of Huang Cancan.
"Yiyi calm down now is not the time to lose his temper." Yin Yichu was a little afraid and patted Yiyi on the shoulder. Now this carriage can’t afford strenuous exercise.
"Master, there are three layers of enchantment around this cage." Silently sink a way.
Ye Qianlong raised his eyebrows and said, "Come on, we’re still in a hurry."
Tea tea can’t see silent nature and I don’t know what Ye Qianlong is talking about, but now she is more and more curious about Ye Qianlong. Her plant pet is somewhat similar to that of that year, but it looks different.
But looking at a few people, it seems that they are not in a hurry. Tea suddenly misses her pulling a cart of Warcraft. It’s hard to catch two so obedient, and they are eaten cleanly by poison bee. I still have some love when I think about it.
"Sit tight and go" Ye Qianlong said softly, and then their carriage drifted slowly toward the side. Others knew that there was silence, but tea roots didn’t know. At this time, she was completely shocked. Where did this girl come from?
It wasn’t long before the carriage passed through the layers of fog and returned to the ground again. Yin Yichu couldn’t help laughing. "If Gu Xiaofei knew that he had carefully set up enchantments and traps, we would be trapped. I don’t know if we would be angry and vomit blood for a while!"
"Tea, tea, you help me prepare some medicinal materials. I have them." Ye Qianlong suddenly said to the tea.
Tea, tea, smell speech can’t help but be happy. She hasn’t said a few words to Ye Qianlong, and she doesn’t even know her roots. How can she ask for something with such confidence?
Ye Qianlong looked at her expression and smiled. "If you don’t help me, I will tell you your secret."
"Secret what secret? I like listening to secrets best. "Night Lan heard the word" secret "and couldn’t help but have a bright eye and gathered in front of Ye Qianlong.
Tea tea is indifferent. "What secrets can I have? I am ashamed of others."
"really?" Ye Qianlong suddenly said a few words to the lips of tea. Tea suddenly froze in place and immediately said, "I don’t have enough herbs you want. I’ll find them for you right away!"
Watching the tea table change in a second, people can’t help looking at each other. They just didn’t hear anything. What’s wrong with this tea?
Ye Qianlong was satisfied with the hook lip angle and finally reported a bunch of medicinal materials to the tea. Fortunately, these medicinal materials were all in the tea body. She quickly gave the medicinal materials to Ye Qianlong and sat far away as if Ye Qianlong were a jackal and a leopard.
"Give me a little strength, I want to refine medicine." As soon as Ye Qianlong’s words fell, he felt that his arm had more strength. Although it was still very powerful to move, it was already very good to move.
"Little girl, what are you doing?" Looking at Ye Qianlong and taking out a pile of refining pharmaceutical equipment, Yin Yichu couldn’t help but be curious and gather together to see it.
Ye Qianlong said while processing medicinal materials, "Nanyin has sent someone to block us, which means that our portrait has probably been taken out. I want to refine some easy chemicals to help everyone change their appearance."
"What is easy to potion? How come I’ve never heard of "Elegy"? But I saw Ye Qianlong sorting the medicinal materials, putting them in different medicine cans and throwing fireballs on the surface to boil the medicine.
Seeing that Qian Qianlong is working with the method of refining medicine, tea has already shocked this Ye Qianlong, who doesn’t even have a set of formal equipment for refining medicine, and even wants to refine pure medicine. How is that possible? !
Looking at Ye Qianlong throwing medicinal tea into the medicine jar, I felt unbearable to look straight at her. She felt that Ye Qianlong was humiliating the pharmacist.
Ye Qianlong didn’t speak. After a series of procedures, the pile of medicinal materials finally melted into two bottles of medicine.
"This how? Drink? " Yin Yichu waved the porcelain bottle and sniffed it again. There was no smell.
"This medicine can change people’s skin color and bones. If you apply it to your face, you can remember. Try it?" Ye Qianlong picked up a bottle of medicine and smiled brilliantly.
Yin Yichu looked at Ye Qianlong and was the first to let him try how beautiful it was in his heart. He poured a little medicine to wipe his face without thinking, but several people in Xuan Yue felt that it must be bad when they saw Ye Qianlong smiling like a fox.
Sure enough, a few minutes after Yin Yichu finished applying the medicine, his skin turned white, and the facial features or the facial lines of that facial feature all became soft. Night Lan was stunned and then pulled Yin Yichu’s hair and nodded, "What a beautiful girl!"
"What? ! Little girl, what’s wrong with me? " Yin Yichu couldn’t help but be anxious. Yiyi immediately took out the mirror and stood in front of him. He saw that Yin Yichu was stunned in the mirror, and then suddenly brushed his hair. "I’m still beautiful. Do you think I should put on makeup or something?"
Everyone looked stunned. It turned out that Yi Chu still had this hobby.
Tea tea for Ye Qianlong’s so-called easy medicine root is unheard of. Today, she wouldn’t believe it if she hadn’t seen it with her own eyes. But look at Ye Qianlong’s skill in refining medicine. She is a novice after all!
"Tea, tea, can you contribute two sets of clothes?" Yin Yichu’s words brought tea back to reality in an instant, and at this time, tea could not help but smoke at the corner of her mouth because these people had changed beyond recognition.
"Who did you learn this easy potion from?" Tea tea took out two sets of clothes and threw them to Yin Yichu and then to Ye Qianlong’s way
Ye Qianlong raised his eyebrows and said, "Heaven has granted!"
Chapter ninety-two Miserable humanity
When I saw Ye Qianlong, I naturally stopped talking about tea. However, although Ye Qianlong has many similarities with that one, one thing is different, that is, that root can’t refine medicine, let alone make drugs and study new drugs.
After a while, a few people changed their hair styles, and Lan Yi has turned into a handsome man with a dark complexion, while Yin Yichu and Elegy have actually turned into women, especially Elegy. His facial features were beautiful, and now he has been transformed with drugs. If it weren’t for his flat chest, no one would be there. He is a man.
Yin Yichu and Elegy just put the robe on the outside, but it looks a bit nondescript. Looking at their clothes, Lan Yi said, "Can you two be a little sincere? Are you so worried that others will not see that you are disguised as women?"
The elegy was awkward and pulled a skirt. "Isn’t it inexperienced to dress up as a woman for the first time?"
And nine ye that raw meat and handsome facial features have become hale and hearty at this time, and the night billow is not enough. I don’t know where to touch out two small beards and stick them on my lips. Looking at that and nine ye like a small beard, Yin Yichu can’t help but wonder, "Yiyi, why are you so like nine ye’s beard?" !”
Yiyi smell speech body slightly a frozen then eyes gently a diversion "I just infatuated with nine ye little beard for someone to order a few according to him? People like you who are not admire will not understand. "
"Ahem" Ye Qianlong couldn’t help coughing lightly when he looked at it. I’m afraid there are even reluctant reasons to think about it.
Because Ye Qianlong’s hands and feet are inconvenient now, she can make some modifications on her face. Although there are some changes in her face, this illness makes her look a little more feminine and beautiful.
Virtual Xuan Yue and the five senses are slightly changed, but Ye Qianlong doesn’t know what he said to the rose. The rose secretly smiled. From Ye Qianlong, he pulled out a bottle of medicine, and the branches and leaves got wet. Then he ran to virtual Xuan Yue’s shoulder and spilled the medicine on virtual Xuan Yue’s face. Blinking, virtual Xuan Yue’s left face appeared a dark red birthmark, which was even worse. I don’t know if the rose was too strong. That half of his face turned red.
Tea tea has changed beyond recognition, and everyone can’t help but ask weakly, "What about me?"

He has never seen a neighbor when he was a child, but it was a long time ago after all. Now that everyone has grown up, it is a question whether Huo Mengshu remembers him or not.

Qiao Cen nodded. "I think so, too. Otherwise, how could Xiao Mu be so outstanding?" She said that on purpose.
Since Huo Mengshu doesn’t want to develop with her, but she can’t talk to him directly because of her master’s face, it is more appropriate for Qiao Cen to say it.
Men chuckle and don’t talk at the same time.
"Although I haven’t seen that man, I always listen to Meng Shujie. I think Meng Shujie must be very happy to have such a man guarding her." Qiao Cen’s words inspired him to beat about the bush and told him that Huo Mengshu was a very single-minded person and had a child in her heart.
How can a man not understand what Qiao Cen means? He naturally knows that Qiao Cen said this mostly because Huo Mengshu didn’t want to.
His memory of Huo Mengshu is limited to childhood, but even so, Huo Mengshu is also a person he has been thinking about for more than 20 years. He doesn’t care whether she is married or not, and he doesn’t care if she has children. If she wants to, he will not hesitate to marry her.
That’s why his parents agreed.
After all, Huo Mengshu has a child anyway, and he is neither married nor has a girlfriend.
Maybe in the eyes of their parents, they still feel lost.
"Well, Meng Shu is a good girl who deserves to be loved." The man suddenly turned his head. "Thank you for telling me this today."
Qiao Cen bit and some dry lips were found …
She immediately laughed, "You are a good man, too." It might be better if someone just broke their mind and wanted to praise him.
The man’s lips slightly raised and smiled gently, "I will wait."
Qiao Cen "…" Feelings just said that it was for nothing?
At the other end, Huo Mengshu found Xiao Mu in Huo Fu Huo Mu’s room. Xiao Mu was sleeping. She was a little nervous and touched his forehead. Fortunately, it was okay.
In his sleep, Xiaomu seems to feel a pair of cold hands on his forehead and open his eyes to "Mommy".
"Good mommy will take you home." Huo Mengshu felt a little distressed. She took off her coat and put it on Xiaomu’s shoulder. She picked him up and left the room.
But as soon as I got to the living room, I saw a news that "the Dongning incident continued to come in a few days ago, and the municipal government sent troops to investigate last night …"
What Huo Mengshu didn’t listen to was that she seemed to see a familiar figure in the picture taken by the reporter and soon disappeared …
This was before and after the cave collapsed last night … Huo Mengshu unexpectedly dared not imagine.
I will explain a dream in detail in the’ Dongning incident’ day. Haha ~
The internship is near the end, and the finishing work is dead yesterday, and I have to go on a business trip the day after tomorrow ~ I’m crying blind, but I guess it’ll be over around the 27th, and then I’ll be free ~
What do you want to do if you don’t build after graduation? I’ve tasted the hardships of finding a job and I’m afraid of going out to find a job. I think I’ve had enough. Oh, my God ~
Anyway, you will work for a few months after you resign, beautiful girls, wait for me to resume updating, haha ~
When I’m talking, I’m crazy. Haha ~ What?
☆, 14, strange noise
When Qiao Cen entered the living room from the balcony, he saw Huo Mengshu holding Xiao Mu and staring at the camera without blinking.
Video broadcasting is an ordinary news. Qiao Cen is not curious but also pays attention to the headline of the video broadcasting news, "When Dongning resumed controversy, dozens of special forces soldiers besieged it"
When Yu Dongning, Qiao Cen knew something.
Don’t say that the hexagrams in the office don’t stop every day.
She didn’t know much about it, but vaguely remembered that they said that there was a county name’ Dongning County’ under the jurisdiction of the imperial city, which was very developed although it was the periphery of the imperial city.
Moreover, due to the good location, there are often some smugglers and drug dealers.
In the Dongning incident, there was a foreign drug trafficking gang, and all forces of the army and the police were involved in the pursuit. It was said that they were hiding in a cave, as Qiao Cen did not know.
Is to see how Huo Meng feels …
Isn’t Gu Jingcheng a soldier? Don’t … Joe Cen suddenly looked at Huo Mengshu. Didn’t Gu Chengcheng also take part in this activity?
“ ` ` w w w
In the living room, Mr. and Mrs. Huo naturally saw that Huo Mengshu was different. Huo Mengshu didn’t call Qiao Cen, so he held Xiaomu to go out and was stopped by Huo Fu, "Where are you going!" The tone changed from usual kindness to much more serious.
My daughter knows best where Huo Mengshu wants to go, and Huo Fu can know without thinking.
Huo Mengshu stopped. "I’ll find him!" The tone is full of firmness.
"You live for me! Don’t go anywhere, just stay here. "Huofu naturally can’t let her go to her girl. It’s too late to go so far!
Jiang Ke pushed him and glared at him, as if to say why he couldn’t say it well.
She got up and caressed Huo Meng’s shoulder. "Meng Shu, it’s so late. How can you find it?" Besides, you don’t need to rest. Xiaomu still needs to listen to his mother. Have a good rest today. Mother will send someone to find it herself. "
Jiang Ke knew that Huo Mengshu was impatient at this time, and it would be counterproductive to force her to stay if she didn’t say anything at this moment.
"Mom, you can’t stop me." Huo Mengshu looked at Jiang Ke’s eyes and seemed to flash across a bit complicated.
Jiang Ke was preparing to talk, but then Qiao Cenyin said, "Are you sure you can find him now?"
After three years, Huo Mengshu once thought that even if Gu Jingcheng appeared in front of her again, she would not react, and she could tell him with a heart of stone that she had another child.
In fact, she did it, too
But in my heart-